Violet-green Swallow Similar Species Comparison
Main SpeciesViolet-green Swallow
Adult male
Small sleek birds with long pointed wings and slightly forked tails. Their long wings extend beyond their tail when perched. In good light, adult males have a greenish-bronze back and iridescent violet rump. Note white cheek.
© Joshua Covill / Macaulay LibraryMontana, June 03, 2020Adult male
When not foraging in midair for insects, perches on exposed branches. Its long wings extend beyond the tail while perched. Note the white "saddlebags."
© Larry Arbanas / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, May 01, 2005Adult male
In flight note short, squared or slightly notched tail and white patches on either side of its rump. All individuals have these "saddlebags."
© Alex Lamoreaux / Macaulay LibraryOregon, May 23, 2019Immature
Aerial insectivores that fly at various heights with rapid wingbeats, often over water bodies, in search of flying insects. Note white patches on either side of the rump.
© Brian Sullivan / Macaulay LibraryToledo, November 10, 2015Adult male
Adult males are crisp white below with clean white cheeks.
© Darren Clark / Macaulay LibraryIdaho, June 15, 2017Adult female
Sleek songbird with a small head and tiny bill. Adult females are drabber than males with a brown cap and paler green backs, though some females can be nearly as bright as males. Note dusky cheek patch.
© Joshua Vandermeulen / Macaulay LibraryOntario, June 14, 2017Adult female
Found in open woodlands including deciduous, evergreen, and mixed species woodlands where they nests in holes in trees or in artificial nest boxes.
© Kenneth Stinchcomb / Macaulay LibraryWyoming, June 11, 2017Similar SpeciesTree Swallow
Adult male
Tree Swallows have bluish rumps with only a tiny white crescent on their sides, whereas Violet-green Swallows have a larger white rump patch. Tree Swallows also have dark faces, whereas Violet-green Swallow's face is white around the eye.
© Phil McNeil / Macaulay LibraryNew York, April 20, 2017Similar SpeciesBank Swallow
Bank Swallows are slightly smaller than Violet-green Swallows. They are browner above, with a brown band across the breast that Violet-green lacks.
© Jay McGowan / Macaulay LibraryNew York, May 22, 2017Similar SpeciesNorthern Rough-winged Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallows are brown above with all-dark heads, unlike the Violet-green's white face. Rough-winged also has a dingy brown throat and breast, unlike Violet-green's clean white underparts.
© Luke Seitz / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, March 25, 2013Similar SpeciesBarn Swallow
Barn Swallows have long, deeply forked tails unlike the shallow fork in Violet-green Swallow tails. They also have a dark red throat and peach belly, whereas Violet-green is clean white below.
© Andrew Dreelin / Macaulay LibraryNew York, May 22, 2017Similar SpeciesCliff Swallow
Cliff Swallows have broader and rounder wings than Violet-green Swallows, with a dark red throat and buffy forehead and rump.
© Dorian Anderson / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, June 02, 2017Similar SpeciesPurple Martin
Adult male
Purple Martins are bigger than Violet-green Swallows. Adult males are dark steely blue both above and below, unlike the Violet-green's clean white underside.
© Alan MacEachren / Macaulay LibraryNorth Carolina, May 18, 2017Similar SpeciesPurple Martin
Purple Martins are bigger and chunkier than Violet-green Swallows. Females/immatures are gray-brown on the breast and belly, not clean white like Violet-green Swallows.
© Gates Dupont / Macaulay LibraryNew York, July 04, 2017Similar SpeciesChimney Swift
Chimney Swifts are smaller than Violet-green Swallows with longer, narrower wings and a stiff-winged flight style. They are all brown, without the contrasting white underparts of Violet-green Swallows.
© Steve Calver / Macaulay LibraryGeorgia, June 08, 2017Similar SpeciesVaux's Swift
Vaux's Swifts are smaller than Violet-green Swallows with longer, narrower wings and a stiff-winged flight style. They are all brown, without the contrasting white underparts of Violet-green Swallows.
© Roger Zachary / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, June 29, 2017Compare with Similar Species
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Species in This Family
Swallows(Order: Passeriformes, Family: Hirundinidae)
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