How to Get Involved: Find a Cornell Lab Project That’s Right For You
Be Part Of Something Bigger
Citizen Science
Our citizen-science projects engage hundreds of thousands of people in recording bird observations – whether in backyards, city streets, or remote forests. Scientists analyze data submitted through our projects to understand how birds are affected by environmental changes. Whatever captures your fancy, there’s a citizen-science project that can make it more meaningful.

Learn with courses and webinars
Bird Academy
There’s a huge world of birds, behavior, and science out there. Our Bird Academy offers courses that explain the secrets of what you’re seeing and hearing—from casual webinars to classes in the basics, to in-depth college-level ornithology courses. And covering topics from bird ID, to understanding bird behavior, to nature journaling, and more.
Pass the spark to the next generation
K–12 Education
We have a lively K–12 education program that creates resources for teachers, homeschoolers, and other educators. If you’ve been wanting to incorporate birds and hands-on activities in your science teaching, we have dozens of ways to help you, from simple advice, to games and activities, to full curricula.

Share intimate moments in the lives of birds
Bird Cams
Watch a mother hawk protect her chicks from a snowstorm. See Ospreys divide up freshly caught trout among their young. Spy on the multicolored visitors to feeders in Canada, New York, and Panama. Hold your breath as endangered petrels raise their young in an underground burrow. Each and every day, our Bird Cams offer breathtaking views of all the extraordinary moments in the lives of birds.
Discover a new world of birding
Create birding memories, find new places to explore, learn where birds are seen, and help scientists understand the world. eBird offers global tools for birders and critical data for science. Browse records and submit your own at eBird.

Share your images and sounds
Macaulay Library
you. The archive includes more than 400,000 audio recordings of birds, insects, reptiles, fish, and mammals including audio for more than 80% of the world’s birds, and more than 10 million photographs of birds.
We’re just outside of Ithaca, New York
Come Visit
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, headquartered at the Imogene Powers Johnson Center for Birds and Biodiversity, is a great place to visit. Our Visitor Center is full of science displays and beautiful artwork, all nestled within a nature preserve that’s teeming with wildlife, any time of year.

All About Birds
is a free resource
Available for everyone,
funded by donors like you
American Kestrel by Blair Dudeck / Macaulay Library