Ross's Goose Similar Species Comparison
Main SpeciesRoss's Goose
Adult white morph
Small, all white goose with black wingtips and pink legs. Note the stubby pink bill with a blue-gray base.
© Marshall Iliff / Macaulay LibraryMassachusetts, January 03, 2018Adult blue morph
White and blue morphs both occur, though the blue morph is very rare. It is very dark gray with a high contrast white head and white upperwing patch. Suspected blue morph birds should be carefully scrutinized for signs of hybridization with Snow Goose—most reported blue morph Ross's Geese show hybrid characters like a black grin patch or curved bill base under close inspection.
© Brooke Miller / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, January 17, 2015Adult white morph
Flocks with other species of geese during the nonbreeding months in shallow wetlands, ponds, and agricultural fields.
© Brian Sullivan / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, February 20, 2012Juvenile white morph
Juvenile are mostly white with some dusky highlights on the head and back. Bill and legs are dusky gray-pink. Juveniles often show slight dark grin patches because their bills continue to grow through the first year of life before assuming adult structure.
© Blake Matheson / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, January 14, 2020Adult white morph
In flight, all white with black primaries. The stubby bill and short neck help confirm the identification.
© Ronan Nicholson / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, November 12, 2019Adult/immature
Forms flocks during the nonbreeding season. Strong flier.
© Brian Sullivan / Macaulay LibraryOregon, February 19, 2012Adult white morph
A compact, all-white goose with black primaries and gray primary coverts.
© Marky Mutchler / Macaulay LibraryNew Mexico, January 02, 2018Adult white morph
The short pink bill is often marked with grayish caruncles at the base. The base of the bill is vertical instead of curved, and the grin patch is quite reduced in comparison to the large black grin patch shown by Snow Goose.
© Brian Sullivan / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, March 08, 2007Adult white morph
Found on shallow wetlands and ponds often with other goose species.
© Brian Sullivan / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, February 20, 2012Adult white morph (with Snow Goose)
Often flocks together with larger Snow Geese. Plumage between white morph adults is identical, so size and structure are very important. Note the small size and short-necked, stubby-billed look here in comparison to the lanky Snow Goose at left.
© Patrice St-Pierre / Macaulay LibraryQuebec, October 04, 2020Adult white morph (with Canada Goose and Cackling Goose)
In addition to traveling with Snow Geese, they can be found with other species of dark geese. Usually appears tiny, compact, and toy-like in comparison to other species.
© Max Leibowitz / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, February 04, 2017Adult white morph
Small, round-headed goose with a small pinkish bill.
© Timothy Barksdale / Macaulay LibraryMissouri, December 01, 1998Similar SpeciesSnow Goose
Adult white morph
The Snow Goose is larger with a bigger bill than Ross's Goose. It has a black line or grinning patch on the bill that Ross's Goose lacks.
© Nell Moore / Macaulay LibraryTennessee, December 23, 2010Similar SpeciesSnow Goose
Adult blue morph
The Snow Goose is larger with a bigger bill than Ross's Goose. The Blue morph Snow Goose also has a black line or grinning patch on the bill that Ross's Goose lacks.
© Simon Boivin / Macaulay LibraryQuebec, May 07, 2017Don't miss a thing! Join our email list
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