- ORDER: Charadriiformes
- FAMILY: Laridae
Basic Description
The hulking Slaty-backed Gull patrols the harsh Pacific coastlines of northeastern Asia, feeding on marine invertebrates, scavenging fishing industry leftovers, and even raiding nests at seabird colonies. Individuals take four years to attain crisp adult breeding plumage: a clean white head and underparts, bright yellow bill with bold red mark, dark gray upperparts bordered by a broad white crescent, and black-and-white wingtips. Other plumages are often messier, but by their second year, Slaty-backed Gulls are readily identifiable by their slaty upperparts—they are the only gulls in northeastern Asia with such a darkly colored back.
More ID InfoOther Names
- Gaviota de Kamchatka (Spanish)
- Goéland à manteau ardoisé (French)