Cackling Goose Similar Species Comparison
Main SpeciesCackling Goose
Adult (Aleutian)
Small and compact with a short neck, small bill, and steep forehead. Head and neck are black with a large white cheek patch. Some, including most adult Aleutian birds (subspecies leucopareia), have a white collar at the base of the black neck sock.
© Matt Brady / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, February 04, 2010Adult (Richardson's)
Head shape ranges from rounded to boxy, but the small, triangular bill and short neck are constants. Also note the neatly barred upperparts.
© Jay McGowan / Macaulay LibraryNew York, December 30, 2016Adult (Richardson's)
Small goose best identified by head shape: note short bill and fairly abrupt transition to steep forehead.
© Jay McGowan / Macaulay LibraryNew York, December 02, 2014Adult (minima)
The smallest subspecies minima is tiny (roughly the size of a male Mallard) and shows a dark breast.
© Rob O'Donnell / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, March 23, 2017Adult
In flight shows a prominent white "U" on the dark uppertail, contrasting with the black tail. Otherwise mostly brown with black neck and head, with a white cheek.
© Cameron Eckert / Macaulay LibraryYukon Territory, June 19, 2015Adult (Richardson's)
© Jay McGowan / Macaulay LibraryNew York, December 02, 2014Adult (Richardson's) (with Canada Goose)
Often flocks with Canada Goose (right). Note Cackling's shorter bill with more abrupt transition to steep forehead.
© Ryan Schain / Macaulay LibraryMassachusetts, December 05, 2011Adult (minima)
Often occurs in large flocks, and forages in grassy habitats. The smallest subspecies, minima, is notably dark-breasted.
© Greg Gillson / Macaulay LibraryOregon, January 10, 2012Adult (Richardson's)
© Benjamin Clock / Macaulay LibraryNew York, November 16, 2006Adult (Richardson's) (with Snow Goose)
Often flocks with other species of geese. In comparison to Snow Goose, smaller and shorter-billed.
© Daniel Jauvin / Macaulay LibraryQuebec, December 05, 2015Similar SpeciesCanada Goose
Canada Geese are larger with a larger bill and a longer neck than Cackling Geese, but beware of smaller Canada Geese that approach the size of Cackling. Canada Geese also have a rounder head with a sloping forehead as opposed to a steep forehead seen on Cackling.
© Max McCarthy / Macaulay LibraryMassachusetts, February 24, 2017Similar SpeciesBrant
Adult (Atlantic)
Brant lack the white chin strap of a Cackling Goose. The breast is also darker than a Cackling Goose.
© Evan Lipton / Macaulay LibraryRhode Island, March 24, 2017Similar SpeciesBrant
Adult (Black)
Brant lack the white chin strap seen on a Cackling Goose. The breast is also darker than a Cackling Goose.
© Beko Binder / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, January 03, 2017Species in This Family
Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl(Order: Anseriformes, Family: Anatidae)
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