Living Bird Winter 2008—Table of Contents
January 15, 2008More From Living Bird
Feature Articles
Tundra Trek Along Alaska’s Dalton HighwayText and photos by Gerrit Vyn
Unsafe Haven? Teshekpuk Lake, AlaskaBy Lisa Drew
Scope Quest 2008: Our Review of Spotting ScopesBy Ken Rosenberg; photos by Tim Gallagher
Border Traffic—Conserving Mexico’s Thick-billed ParrotsBy David Wilcove; illustration by John Schmitt
The Pribilof Islands—Galapagos of the NorthText and photos by Bobby Harrison
Columns & Departments
View From Sapsucker Woods: Time for Conservation in AlaskaBy John Fitzpatrick, director of the Cornell Lab
Birding Escapes: La Jolla, CaliforniaBy Tim Gallagher
The Catbird Seat: Merlin EncounterBy Pete Dunne
Naturalist’s Notebook: Northern Harrier AttackText and illustrations by John Schmitt
How Did the Chicken Cross the Sea?By Irby Lovette
Following the Birds That Follow the AntsBy Irby Lovette
Book Review: Of a Feather, by Scott WeidensaulReviewed by Stephen J. Bodio
The Life of the Skies, by Jonathan RosenReviewed by Stephen J. Bodio
BirdCam by WingscapesBy Tim Gallagher

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American Kestrel by Blair Dudeck / Macaulay Library