Red-faced Warbler Photo Gallery
Male has an unmistakable red face and throat and a black bonnet. Gray above and whitish below.
© Marky Mutchler / Macaulay LibraryArizona, August 10, 2020Male
From below, Males have a red throat and a white belly. The tail is grayish from below. In flight white rump also visible.
© Bryan Calk / Macaulay LibraryNew Mexico, April 25, 2020Female
Females look similar to males, but are more orangish red. The intensity of color varies among individuals and could be related to age.
© Jason Hoeksema / Macaulay LibraryArizona, May 15, 2016Male
Males have a bright red face and throat and look like they are wearing a black bonnet. Breeds in high elevation fir, pine, and oak forests.
© Bob Friedrichs / Macaulay LibraryArizona, May 12, 2017Don't miss a thing! Join our email list
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