Eurasian Blue Tit Similar Species Comparison
Main SpeciesEurasian Blue Tit
A small songbird with a blue cap, white face, thin black eyeline, yellowish underparts, greenish upperparts, blue wings and tail, and short black bill.
© Ferit Başbuğ / Macaulay LibraryAnkara, December 08, 2016Adult
From behind, shows a bluish-black collar, greenish back, blue wings and tail, white wingbar, and broad white tips to folded inner wing feathers.
© Brooke Miller / Macaulay LibraryNord-Trøndelag, June 14, 2015Adult
A small songbird with a white face, thin black eyeline, and blue crown, wings, and tail. Underparts are yellow, divided by a vertical grayish-black line.
© Josep del Hoyo / Macaulay LibraryCastilla y León, January 02, 2020Juvenile
Juvenile shares the same general pattern as adult but is paler yellow below, with a yellow cheek and a grayish crown.
© Santiago Caballero Carrera / Macaulay LibraryAndalucía, June 21, 2022Adult
Note the black throat patch and blackish line running down the middle of the belly.
© Ryan Schain / Macaulay LibraryConnaught, September 15, 2016Adult (with Great Tit)
Visits bird feeders, often in the company of other species like Great Tit (seen here).
© Erkki Lehtovirta / Macaulay LibrarySouthwest Finland, November 02, 2013Adult
Found in parks and gardens in urban areas, as well as deciduous woodlands, orchards, thickets, hedgerows, and other habitats.
© Rebecca Marschall / Macaulay LibraryÎle-de-France, January 19, 2017Flock (with Long-tailed Tit)
A social species, often seen in family groups or flocks.
© Josep del Hoyo / Macaulay LibraryExtremadura, August 25, 2015Juvenile
Juvenile is paler yellow below, with a yellow cheek and a gray crown. This species is an agile forager that often hangs upside down from plants in search of insects.
© Peter Hosner / Macaulay LibraryRegion Hovedstaden, June 19, 2022Similar SpeciesGreat Tit
Adult (Great)
Great Tit is larger than Eurasian Blue Tit, with a different head pattern (extensive black cap and white cheek) and a lack of blue coloration.
© Steven McGrath / Macaulay LibraryEngland, March 10, 2019Similar SpeciesGreat Tit
Adult (Great)
Great Tit has a broad black line that runs up the belly and connects to an extensive black throat.
© Boris Georgi / Macaulay LibraryUdmurtia, November 13, 2016Similar SpeciesAzure Tit
Azure Tit is a paler version of Eurasian Blue Tit, with Eurasian Blue Tit’s yellow underparts, blue cap, and black throat replaced with white in Azure Tit.
© Friedemann Arndt / Macaulay LibraryUlaanbaatar, May 21, 2023Similar SpeciesAfrican Blue Tit
African Blue Tit and Eurasian Blue Tit were previously considered to be the same species. African Blue Tit’s range—North Africa and the Canary Islands—does not overlap with Eurasian Blue Tit’s range. African Blue Tit has a darker cap, a thicker black eyeline, and grayer upperparts than Eurasian Blue Tit.
© Paul Chapman / Macaulay LibraryCanarias, February 27, 2015Don't miss a thing! Join our email list
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