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The Votes Are In: The Hellgate Osprey Cam’s Male Has A Name

Iris’s new mate “Finnegan” delivers a fish to the Hellgate Osprey nest.

The results are in, and the new male from the Hellgate Osprey nest has a name. Meet Iris’s new mate, Finnegan! More than 4300 votes were cast by the community, and “Finnegan” topped the polls with 1505 votes. The male’s new name is derived from an Irish mythological hero meaning “strength and wisdom” and also meaning “fair” and “white.”

The meaning behind the name is fitting for the new male, who is has rather pale-white plumage for an Osprey. He’s also shown strength and determination during the start to the breeding season. Finnegan has proven to be quite an accomplished fisher and has readily defended the nest site from intruders along with Iris.

Thanks to our partners at the Montana Osprey project for suggesting a host of potential names for the vote and to everyone who voted to name Iris’s new mate. We’re excited and hopeful for a successful breeding season in Hellgate Canyon.

Voting breakdown For Naming Iris’s New Mate

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Pileated Woodpecker by Lin McGrew / Macaulay Library