Wrentit Photo Gallery
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Plump birds with a long tail and tiny bill. Plain brownish-gray with paler, slightly streaked, pale pinkish bellies. Note pale eye.
© Matt Davis / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, May 13, 2018Small and plump with a long tail and pale eye. Brownish gray overall with a lightly streaked, pinkish belly.
© Bob Friedrichs / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, January 27, 2017Plump bird with a long tail that it often holds up away from its body.
© Georgia Doyle / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, November 30, 2015Found in coastal scrub and chaparral along the West Coast. Interior birds found in thickets along creeks, oak woodlands, mixed-evergreen forests, and dense shrublands.
© Mary Hansen / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, February 02, 2017The Cornell Lab will send you updates about birds,
birding, and opportunities to help bird conservation.