Mexican Whip-poor-will Photo Gallery
Highly camouflaged, with an intricate mix of black, brown, gray, buffy, and rufous feathers. Note the faint buffy-white collar contrasting with black throat and breast feathers. Females show limited buffy tips to the outer tail feathers.
© Mauricio López / Macaulay LibraryNuevo León, August 19, 2018Nightjar coloration can vary based on age, individual variation, and lighting conditions.
© Daniel Garza Tobón / Macaulay LibraryChiapas, May 16, 2017Adult males have bold white tips on their outer tail feathers.
© Moises Rodriguez / Macaulay LibrarySololá, October 06, 2015Highly camouflaged, with an intricate mix of black, brown, gray, buffy, and rufous feathers. Note the thin buffy-white collar contrasting with black throat and breast feathers. Adult males have extensive white in their outer tail feathers.
© Evan Buechley / Macaulay LibraryNew Mexico, June 12, 2020Mexican Whip-poor-wills have small bills bordered by long rictal bristles (modified, whisker-like feathers).
© Shailesh Pinto / Macaulay LibraryArizona, August 27, 2020Compare with Similar Species
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Species in This Family
Nightjars and Allies(Order: Caprimulgiformes, Family: Caprimulgidae)
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