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Problems Articles/Videos
A Simple Window Treatment Drastically Cuts Bird Collisions at a Chicago Landmark
How to Clean Your Bird Feeder
Advances in Window Safety Come to the Cornell Lab and Cornell Campus
What to Do About Predators
Living Bird Magazine A Single Night of Bird Collisions in Chicago Points to the Need for Window Safety
Can a Hawk or Owl Pose a Threat to a Small Dog or Cat?
A bird keeps flying into my window or car mirror, on purpose. What should I do?
Why Birds Hit Windows—and How You Can Help Prevent It
Why do woodpeckers like to hammer on houses? And what can I do about it?
Project FeederWatch Help Us Track Sick Birds With Project FeederWatch
NestWatch Predators Near the Nest: Bluebirds Weigh the Risks
Project FeederWatch What’s the best way to clean your bird feeders to prevent disease?
Bird Injuries From Collisions With Windows: What We Know, and What You Can Do (Webinar)
Living Bird Magazine The Obituary of the Stephens Island Wren
Living Bird Magazine House Finch Eye Disease: Outbreak, Then Understanding
Cat Wars: The Devastating Consequences of a Cuddly Killer [video]
Project FeederWatch Eye Disease in American Goldfinch
FAQ: Outdoor Cats and Their Effects on Birds
Project FeederWatch Give this “squirrel-proof” feeder set-up a try
Investigations on Preventing Deadly Bird Window Strikes
What do I do if I find a sick, injured, or dead bird?
Project FeederWatch New Research Links House Finch Behavior at Feeders to Eye Disease
Living Bird Magazine Raptors and Rat Poison
Bird Population Studies Research Surprise: Many Birds Exposed to Eye Disease, but Only Finches Get Sick
Project FeederWatch Study Surprise: Many Bird Species Exposed to “Eye Disease”
Living Bird Magazine Safe Summer Bird Feeding: Q&A With David Bonter
Living Bird Magazine Citizen Scientists Track the Culprit in House Finch Eye Disease
Bird Population Studies Jumping the Species Barrier: Where Do Diseases Come From?
Bird Population Studies How a House Finch Disease Reshaped What We Know About Epidemics
Project FeederWatch House Finch Eye Disease Continues to Spread
NestWatch Managing Nest Box Competitors: Squirrels, Mice, Bees, Wasps, and More
NestWatch How to Safeguard a Nest Box From Predators
NestWatch Managing House Sparrows and European Starlings at Birdhouses
Project FeederWatch House Finch Eye Disease
Project FeederWatch My Feeders Are Attracting Rats. What Can I Do?
Project FeederWatch Sick Birds: Avian Pox and Salmonella
Project FeederWatch Other Feeder Visitors: Squirrels
Project FeederWatch Other Feeder Visitors
Project FeederWatch Bird Notes
Where Did All Those Canada Geese in Town Come From?
Living Bird Magazine Glass Action: Advances in the Science of Making Windows Safer for Birds
Project FeederWatch Do Feeder Halos Keep House Sparrows at Bay?
Can Woodpecker Deterrents Safeguard My House?
Top 9 Squirrel Intervention Suggestions
AOU Thursday: Hope for Solving Bird Collisions
How to Deal With Unwanted Yard Visitors: Squirrels, Cats, Bugs, Hawks, and More
I have wasps in my birdhouse. What should I do?
Why do migratory birds crash into buildings and how can it be prevented?
How can I protect the baby birds in a nest from predators including snakes, cats, and other birds?
How do I keep the squirrels in my yard away from my feeders and bird seed?
How do I keep ants out of my hummingbird feeder?
What should I do if I find algae in my birdbath?
A hawk has started hunting the feeder birds in my yard. What can I do?
My feeders are being overrun with starlings and blackbirds. What can I do?
I've seen a bird with an overgrown or otherwise deformed bill. What is wrong with it?
What can cause an adult bird to die inside a birdhouse or nest box?
I have a bald bird at my feeder. Is it sick?
I've seen a sick House Finch with red, swollen, or weepy eyes. What's wrong with it?
How can I tell if a sick bird has West Nile Virus?
How can I keep birds from hitting my windows?
There's a huge starling roost near my house and they're driving us nuts! What can we do?
Health Update: Peanuts, Salmonella, and Backyard Birds
Can We Have Wind Power and Birds, Too?