News & Features
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When Goshawks Ruled the Autumn Skies
Can the Clark’s Nutcracker Help Its BFF, the Whitebark Pine, Recover from Disaster?
Neonic Nation: Is Widespread Pesticide Use Connected to Grassland Bird Declines?
Everybody Likes Bobwhite. Is That Enough to Save Them?
A Long-Awaited Homecoming for Peregrine Falcons in the Finger Lakes
News & Features Articles/Videos
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: The Winter Warmth of the Northern Cardinal
Living Bird Magazine Birdword: An Illustrated Guide to Some Tongue-Twisting Ornithological Terms
The Art of Birds, The Science of Birds
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: A Magnificent Frigatebird—in the Sky with Diamonds
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: An Azure Guard of Blue Jays
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Belted Queenfisher
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Who Really Painted These Resplendent Quetzals?
Living Bird Magazine Bird Profile: American Tree Sparrow
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Spotted Owl, Ambassador for Forest Conservation
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Embroidered Birds for the Eye and Ear
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Euphony with a Black-capped Chickadee
Living Bird Magazine Nature Journaling and Sketching: Tips for Birders
Living Bird Magazine Hairy Woodpeckers Use Body Language to Show Who's Boss
Living Bird Magazine Tracking 3 Jaeger Species Across 4 Oceans—and Into a Comic Book
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: A Pointillist Barn Owl
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: A Sandhill Crane’s Fall Colors
Living Bird Magazine Fashion-Forward Spectrograms: White Stork Calls Go Haute Couture
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Watching Loons with the Eyes of a Sketch Artist
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Violet-green Swallows at Home
Living Bird Magazine Bird Profile: White-throated Sparrow
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Snowy Egret Portrait
Living Bird Magazine Bird Profile: American Kestrel
Living Bird Magazine Bird Profile: The White-tailed Ptarmigan
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Birds at Thumbnail Scale
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Sunset on the Jersey Shore
Living Bird Magazine Blue Gemstones with Wings: Lazuli and Indigo Buntings
Living Bird Magazine Birds of Light and Shadow: Intricate Illusions in Paper
Living Bird Magazine Wall of Birds Artist Jane Kim Creates an "Avian Pantone" [Book Excerpt]
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: A Downy Woodpecker's Swiss Army Beak
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Page From An Artist's Sketchbook
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Albatross Blue
Living Bird Magazine Q&A with Wildlife DJ Ben Mirin
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: The Alala
Arthur Singer: 50 Years of Wildlife Art [video]
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Meet the New Cassia Crossbill
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Bath Time
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: A Kinglet's "Golden Fire" in Winter
Living Bird Magazine Gallery: Cedar Waxwings
Living Bird Magazine Woodpeckers à la Audubon
Bird Academy From So Simple a Beginning: The Wall of Birds
Living Bird Magazine The Artistry of an Anna's Hummingbird Nest
The Almost Impossible Task of Filming Songbirds in Flight
Bird Academy Wall of Birds Project: 3,000 Square Feet, 243 Bird Families, 375 Million Years of Evolution
Talk to the Artist: An Epic Mural Celebrates the Evolution and Diversity of Birds
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: A Young Merlin on the Hunt
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Phenomenal Migration in Louisiana
An Ambitious Mural Puts All 243 Bird Families Onto an Enormous Map of the World
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Northern Pygmy-Owl Brings Out the Birds
From So Simple a Beginning: A Mural Celebrating the Evolution and Diversity of Birds
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: A Zone-tailed Hawk Gets Its Prey
Living Bird Magazine View From Sapsucker Woods: Science and Art Meet at the Cornell Lab
Maya Lin Unveils Newest Sculpture in Her Last Memorial
Bird Academy Artist James Prosek’s Ode to the Diversity of Bird Shapes
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Falcon vs. Kite
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Mallard Commotion
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: A Swift Courtship
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Killdeer Poses
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Tail Patterns in American Kestrels
Living Bird Magazine Book Review: The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds, by John Muir Laws
Macaulay Library Listen to the Winners From Studio 360's Birdsong-Into-Music Challenge
An Artist's Impression of the Imperial Woodpecker
Living Bird Magazine Naturalists' Notebook: Common Raven Raids Cliff Nests
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Phainopeplas
Living Bird Magazine What Is Missing? Q&A With Maya Lin
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Young Red-tailed Hawks
Cornell Lab Helps Artist Maya Lin Ask “What is Missing?” on Earth Day 2012
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Lewis's Woodpecker and Western Scrub Jay
Students An Artist Among Falconers
Lost Bird Project: One artist's meeting with Audubon's $8 million tome
Students A Thriving Science Illustration Internship at the Cornell Lab
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Great Blue Heron Fends Off Gulls
Cornell Artist's "Lost Bird Project" Comes to the Screen
Painting the Imperial Woodpecker
Project FeederWatch Backyard Birds Open a Window on Science Through 25 Years of Project FeederWatch
Living Bird Magazine Naturalists' Notebook: First Merlin of Autumn
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: A Ferocious Cassin's Kingbird
Conservation Science This Land is Their Land: Birds on Public Lands from the State of the Birds Report
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Yellow-rumped Warblers at a Sapwell
Paintings, books, and waxwings with Olivia Bouler, conservationist
Living Bird Magazine Naturalists' Notebook: Loggerhead Shrike Flees From a Hummingbird
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Clark's Nutcracker
Birds of the Gulf Threatened by Oil Spill
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Overworked Bushtits
Students Interpreting Red-winged Blackbird Behavior
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Ferruginous Hawk Steals From a Roadrunner
Students How Do Birds Cooperate? An Overview of Strategies
Living Bird Magazine A Naturalist's Notebook: Young Raven Learns to Fly
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Two Forms of the Western Scrub-Jay
Maya Lin's "What Is Missing?" Project Uses Lab Sound, Video
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Violet-green Swallows
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: "Claim-Jumping" Red-breasted Sapsuckers
Four Keys to Bird Identification
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Peregrine Falcon Hunts Bats
Living Bird Magazine Mark Catesby's Mysterious "Little Sparrow"
A Rainbow of Tropical Migrants: Where Are They in Winter?
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: California Thrasher
Birds in the News: Feathered Muses
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: The Secret Knowledge of Western Scrub-Jays
Andy Goldsworthy and the Sapsucker Cairn
Living Bird Magazine Naturalist's Notebook: Northern Harrier Attack

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American Kestrel by Blair Dudeck / Macaulay Library