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What can cause an adult bird to die inside a birdhouse or nest box? Disease, FAQs & Common Problems, Problems, Sick & Injured Birds
I have a bald bird at my feeder. Is it sick? Disease, FAQs & Common Problems, Problems, Sick & Injured Birds
Why do some birds stand on one foot? Bird Behavior, FAQs & Common Problems
I saw a little bird feeding a much larger bird. Is it rare to see two different species feeding each other? Bird Behavior, FAQs & Common Problems, Nests & Baby Birds
Will birds use nest boxes to roost in for warmth during the winter? Bird Behavior, FAQs & Common Problems
I’ve seen a sick House Finch with red, swollen, or weepy eyes. What’s wrong with it? Disease, FAQs & Common Problems, Problems, Sick & Injured Birds
How can I tell if a sick bird has West Nile Virus? Disease, FAQs & Common Problems, Problems, Sick & Injured Birds
Why do birds leave the nest before they can fly? FAQs & Common Problems, Nests & Baby Birds
Which birds are the best mimics? Bird Sounds, FAQs & Common Problems
Why do some birds mimic the sounds of other species? Bird Behavior, Bird Sounds, FAQs & Common Problems
How can I keep birds from hitting my windows? Birds & People, FAQs & Common Problems, Problems, Windows
I found some abandoned eggs. Can I take them to a rehab center to raise them? FAQs & Common Problems, Nests & Baby Birds
I found a pigeon or dove that seems tame and has colored bands on its legs. What should I do? Birds & People, FAQs & Common Problems
A woodpecker is putting rows of holes in my tree. Will it hurt the tree? Bird Behavior, Birds & People, FAQs & Common Problems
There’s a huge starling roost near my house and they’re driving us nuts! What can we do? Birds & People, FAQs & Common Problems, Pests, Problems
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