Wrentit Similar Species Comparison
Main SpeciesWrentit
Plump birds with a long tail and tiny bill. Plain brownish-gray with paler, slightly streaked, pale pinkish bellies. Note pale eye.
© Matt Davis / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, May 13, 2018Small and plump with a long tail and pale eye. Brownish gray overall with a lightly streaked, pinkish belly.
© Bob Friedrichs / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, January 27, 2017Plump bird with a long tail that it often holds up away from its body.
© Georgia Doyle / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, November 30, 2015Found in coastal scrub and chaparral along the West Coast. Interior birds found in thickets along creeks, oak woodlands, mixed-evergreen forests, and dense shrublands.
© Mary Hansen / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, February 02, 2017Similar SpeciesBushtit
Male (Pacific)
Bushtits are smaller than Wrentits—about the size of a kinglet, whereas Wrentits are sparrow sized. Bushtits have smaller features all around: smaller bills, shorter legs, and smaller heads. Bushtits are also more active and easier to see than Wrentits.
© Caroline Lambert / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, January 28, 2016Similar SpeciesOak Titmouse
Oak Titmice have crests and shorter tails than Wrentits. Titmice also forage actively in trees and shrubs whereas Wrentits tend to stay hidden in shrubs.
© Ken Chamberlain / Macaulay LibraryOregon, March 14, 2017Don't miss a thing! Join our email list
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