Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher Photo Gallery
A large flycatcher with bold black and white stripes on the face, a white throat, light yellow underparts with blackish streaks, a rufous tail, and a heavy bill with a hooked tip.
© Isaias Morataya / Macaulay LibraryCayo, May 03, 2020Upperparts are a mix of pale yellow and charcoal. Wing feathers have extensive white markings. Rufous tail feathers have dark shafts.
© Ryan O'Donnell / Macaulay LibraryArizona, July 19, 2020Adult
A large flycatcher with a large head, heavy bill, striped face, rufous tail, and streaky yellowish underparts. Easily identified (and often located) by its distinctive “squeaky toy” call, given mainly during the breeding season.
© Wayne Hall / Macaulay LibraryStann Creek, April 02, 2018Not all videos have soundOften perches in canopy foliage for extended periods before taking flight to pursue insects.
© fernando Burgalin Sequeria / Macaulay LibraryAlajuela, March 25, 2020Note black mask through eye, whitish stripes above and below eye, and blackish malar stripes meeting on the chin.
© fernando Burgalin Sequeria / Macaulay LibraryAlajuela, March 25, 2020Pair
Often occurs in pairs during the breeding season and in small family groups at other times.
© Paul Fenwick / Macaulay LibraryArizona, June 15, 2024Not all videos have soundNests in tree cavities, with sycamores often used in southeastern Arizona.
© Benjamin Hack / Macaulay LibraryArizona, July 04, 2016Found in woodlands and forests ranging from thorn scrub and dry forest to rainforest, but generally not found in the interior of extensive forest.
© Shawn Miller / Macaulay LibraryArizona, June 11, 2016Adult
Typically remains high in trees, making short flights in pursuit of flying insects.
© Larry Arbanas / Macaulay LibraryArizona, May 01, 2006Not all videos have soundDon't miss a thing! Join our email list
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