Chestnut-backed Chickadee Photo Gallery
Tiny, with a big head, a small bill, and a round belly. Similar to other chickadees, but with a chestnut back and sides.
© John Reynolds / Macaulay LibraryBritish Columbia, November 11, 2018Adult (Central California Coast)
Most have dark chestnut sides, but birds from the central California coast (from Marin County southward) have gray sides with limited chestnut toward the tail.
© Paul Fenwick / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, September 04, 2016Adult
Rarely stands still even while perched as they are often twitching side to side. This video has no audio.
© Timothy Barksdale / Macaulay LibraryWashington, June 01, 1995Not all videos have soundAdult
Active and acrobatic, clings to small limbs and twigs or hangs upside down from cones.
© Mason Maron / Macaulay LibraryWashington, January 26, 2021Adult (Central California Coast)
Individuals in California from Marin County south have grayish sides unlike those farther north that have chestnut sides. Note dark brown crown, which sometimes looks black.
© Paul Fenwick / Macaulay LibraryCalifornia, September 04, 2016Adult
Tiny bird with a descriptive name. Its dark brown crown, which sometimes appears black is set off by a white cheek.
© Marie O'Shaughnessy / Macaulay LibraryBritish Columbia, March 17, 2017Adult
Regularly visits bird feeders, eating peanuts, suet, black oil sunflower seeds, and more.
© David Badke / Macaulay LibraryBritish Columbia, March 22, 2017Adult
Found in dense evergreen and mixed evergreen forests along the Pacific Coast. Also found in city parks and suburbs.
© J Millsaps / Macaulay LibraryAlaska, June 18, 2017Compare with Similar Species
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Species in This Family
Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice(Order: Passeriformes, Family: Paridae)
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