Meet The 2024–25 Royal Albatross Family
December 4, 2024The Northern Royal Albatross Cam is back for a new season from New Zealand’s South Island! Rangers from the New Zealand Department of Conservation (DOC) have moved the camera to its official site for the 2024-25 season within the albatross breeding colony at Pukekura/Taiaroa Head.
This cam season features a fresh set of faces and a new nest site! Twelve-year-old male RLK (named for his colored leg bands: Red, Lime, and blacK) is nesting with his 14-year-old mate GLG (bands: Green, Lime, Green) at the Signal Station Trig site. The birds have been switching off incubation duties over their fertile egg since it was laid on November 11.
Join us for another marathon breeding season with one of the world’s largest ocean wanderers live from the Southern Hemisphere’s only mainland albatross breeding colony.

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Pileated Woodpecker by Lin McGrew / Macaulay Library