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Mad Scramble For Fish Delivery On Hellgate Osprey Cam

Watch the entire Hellgate Osprey family reunite during a morning fish delivery.

Watch this fish delivery turn into a free-for-all on the Hellgate Osprey Cam! After Iris joins her younger fledgling, Antali, at the nest site, Finnegan comes flying in with a fresh catch. Iris snags the fish and departs just before her elder fledgling, Sum-eh, flies in. Once Iris circles back to offer the fish to her youngsters, Sum-eh claims the prize from Iris’s talons and takes the meal to-go.

Even though the chicks have fledged, there’s still plenty of Osprey action to catch on cam in Missoula, Montana. The Hellgate family have continued utilizing the nest as a roosting site and a drop zone for fish deliveries. As the Ospreys near their fall migration in September, they may spend more time off nest, so watch while you can.

Cornell Lab

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Pileated Woodpecker by Lin McGrew / Macaulay Library