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How The Hellgate Ospreys Stay Cool In Summer Heat

Watch Iris provide shade to her nestlings during mealtime on a hot day in Missoula, Montana.

As the summer heats up, the Hellgate Osprey family has to find ways to stay cool at their towering nest site near the banks of the Clark Fork River in Missoula, Montana. Dr. Erick Greene from the Montana Osprey Project posted a Facebook update sharing how Iris and her nestlings are handling the recent heatwave. Take a look at some examples of how the Ospreys beat the heat in the highlights below.

Panting: Birds don’t have sweat glands like humans do, so they need to release heat in other ways. One way is by panting. By rapidly breathing in cool air and releasing hot air, an Osprey can lower its core body temperature through evaporative cooling (the evaporation of water from internal body surfaces).

Tap to watch an Osprey chick pant to stay cool.

Fanning Feathers: Iris has been frequently shielding her chicks from the sun with her large wings. This not only provides the youngsters with some much needed shade, it also helps Iris cool down. Birds can lift their wings and raise their body feathers to help increase airflow and dissipate heat.

Tap to watch Iris shade her chicks and fan out her feathers.

Taking A Dip: Who doesn’t like going for a swim on a hot summer day? A few times a day, Iris will take a dip in the river. When she returns to the nest with wet feathers, some of the water gets on her chicks to help them cool down as well.

Tap to watch Iris return to the nest after cooling off in the river.

Cornell Lab

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Pileated Woodpecker by Lin McGrew / Macaulay Library